Tips To Improve Programming Skills

First What Is Programming? 

I'm not going to spend too much time here since you probably have a pretty solid idea of what programming is if you are reading this. Here is my definition of this: 

The act of writing code that a computer system has learned to execute various instructions. 

So, you'll be writing a lot of code to get better at programming! 

5 Steps to Improve Programming Skills

If you want to become a master programmer and want to improve your programming skills, so be prepared to spend at least five years of programming every day. 

However, if you just want to learn the basics that will either get you a job or help you to work on your projects, you can learn programming skills in less than 100 practice hours.
100 hours of practice is about the equivalent you will get from a typical 4-year Computer Science degree, but this guide will teach you how to practice effectively so you can find time to master it in up to 7 months (and in most cases, far less).

Here are some tips to improve your programming skills,

1. Analyze the problem clearly.

2. Think twice about how to solve that problem.

3. Gather complete requirements: Take the time to write down what goals the end product needs to achieve, and who your user base will be. Clarity of thought at this stage will save a lot of time down the line.

4. Write a thorough implementation plan (or model).

    For something small and self-contained, this might be just a basic flowchart or a simple equation.
    For larger projects, it helps to break the job into modules, and to consider the following:
  •         What task each module must perform
  •         How data gets passed between modules
  •         How the data will be used within each module
  Although collecting and organizing specifications can be boring and far less enjoyable than just jumping straight into coding, spending hours debugging is even more boring. Take the time to correctly design your program's flow and structure upfront and you may even find more effective ways to achieve your goals before you write the first line of code!

5. Comment your code liberally: If you think that your code might need an explanation, comment it. Each function should be preceded by 1-2 lines describing the arguments and what it returns. Comments should tell you why more often than what. Remember to update the comments when you update your code!

  The Five Tips to improve Logic Building in Programming Skills:

Programming logic is an important key to being a successful developer. You may or may not use more algorithms, depending on your work location. Possibly you 're not going to deal with complicated algorithms if you're a web designer, but if you're a front-end developer maybe a little bit more and you're a much more back-end developer. 

Here I'll present you with a list of 5 points, which I believe have resources to develop our programming logic. 

This article is for everyone if we manage to build good reasoning we will be able to travel flexibly across the various languages, try not to rely on the language.

1. Think to solve: programming is about solving problems, you can use pseudo codes in a program or in a simple paper to break the big problem into small ones.  

2. Practice: This is the most critical point: the lesson. An algorithm is nothing more than a finite, ordered series of operations that we perform for the sole purpose of finding a solution to a problem. And to get a better logic try to solve basic problems. 

3. Learn about data structures and algorithms: learning about systems will give you a better plan for working on your issues and making software that is successful. In Mathematics you can play games like Chess and work.

4. Learn programming paradigms: Learning programming paradigms is a very good point. The Object-Oriented Paradigm (OOP), perhaps one of the most programming paradigms, is. To build our projects a programming model is like a blueprint to follow. To learn how to create programs and solve problems in a different way, you can learn Functional Programming. 

5. Look at other people's code: We have many ways to solve problems in programming, maybe another person has solved the problem you have in an optimal and easy manner. Looking into the minds of other people is crucial to improving as a programmer. You have a lot of amazing projects to see at GitHub.

An remember, is completely normal that you can’t resolve a problem, but you must know that the community is a huge place to get helped.

Resources to practice:
◾ Code wars
 ◾ Code Fights
 ◾ Hacker Rank
 ◾ Codding Game

 Some more tips to Improve Your Programming Skills

1. Read the code for another: 

It's very difficult to read someone else's code as opposed to writing your own code. A good programmer is the one who can read the code of another and is aware of the actions of clean code. You understand the importance of writing clean code while you are reading the code of another. 

If you've joined an open-source project you know that already. If you haven't-I highly recommend you try one to see how your peers write their code. 

They'll be really surprised when you meet top companies like Google and when you say that you've read a lot of code in some open source project and have made some improvement on that.

2. Use a phrase, have your own look, and stick to the following: 

I would recommend you choose and stick to the object-oriented language (Java / C++) for your day-to-day coding. Don't change the coding language anymore. Using a second language is perfect but you can learn the nitty-gritty of your primary language too. 

For example-Java is my principal language. Still, in Python, I also spend my day coding. Yet with Python, I'm not that relaxed, as I am in Java. 

Don't keep on changing your style when you write code. Take a theme out and stick to it. For example-I follow the style below when I am involved in a programming competition.ticipate in a programming competition, I follow the below style.
class Solution{

    public void run(){
        /*All of my code starts from this run method
         *In this way I don't have to deal with unnecessary errors like
         *calling a non-static method from a static method etc.
    public static void main(String [] args){
        new Solution().run();
Having your own unique style will keep you away from most of the unnecessary errors and you will be able to write your code faster.
3. Never reinvent the wheel: 

Many programmers don't know the built-in libraries that come with the language and end up writing their own methods of programming. That makes their code more vulnerable and prone to error. Please make the most of built-in libraries. 

When you don't write code in an interview using built-in libraries, you will make a poor impression and the interviewer will think you have no grip on the language. 

Know your words, then. Don't attempt the built-in methods by hand. That won't work. You will practice them to the maximum extent possible. It will be really challenging at first. For examples -  in Java there are compareTo(), compare(), hashCode(), equals(), peek(), remove() and many more...
You will have the feeling that you won't be able to master all the built-in methods but hang on. Try using them one by one and without even knowing you will master them completely. If you are starting with Java try this Head First book. It's awesome.

4. Do not be frightened by the pace of another: 

You 're always going to meet some guys and they seem to be miles ahead of you but they're not in fact. They 're a month ahead of you, at most. And you'll catch them in no time, with a little bit of hard work. 

Especially if you participate in any programming competition any guys can solve blazing speed problems. 

The first problem was answered in 4 minutes last year in the second round of Google Code Jam by one guy from the US. That means he 'd done coding the whole program before I finished understanding the significance of the first line of the question. That was incredible. You can find other guys running graph algorithms like DFS and BFS on raw input in Code-forces competitions. 

Don't make them afraid. Its code is also less readable and very complex in most situations. Go your own velocity. Write clean, readable code that is most critical. 

5. Practice, and still use certain patterns: 

As I write code such as permutation searching, mix, Depth First Search, Breadth-First Search etc. I don't have much to say. On the keyboard, my fingers immediately go to the appropriate keys. 

I have so many times learned those codes that my brain doesn't have to worry about them. Make a list of basic algorithms and data structures and practice them as many times as possible. Here is my list of basic data structures and algorithms.

Data Structure List:

  •     Hash Map

  •     Binary Search Tree

  •     Graph

  •     List

  •     Trie

  •     Suffix Tree

  •     Interval Tree

  •     Binary Indexed Tree

  •     Array

  •     Heap

  •     Stack

  •     Queue

  •     AVL Tree

  •     Segment Tree

Algorithm List

  •     Breadth-First Search

  •     Depth First Search

  •     Quicksort

  •     Heapsort

  •     Merge sort

  •     insertion sort

  •     Topological sort

  •     Permutation

   CombinationThese data structures and algorithms act as building blocks for a number of complex algorithms that you're working on in your career. Create your own list and practice so that you don't have to worry about it when you submit it. 

Standard Java Hash Map has been introduced by Scratch. If you want to. I still practice these Data Structures and Algorithms once every two weeks you can look at my code.

6. Practice with Notepad 

Do not play with any IDE. To practice the code in paper/whiteboard, many programmers advise. But in certain cases, it is very difficult to perform them on paper / white board. So, I 'd encourage you to do them on Notepad. 

Seek to prevent as many deletions/rewritings as you can when practicing code. Try locating the problem without using any debugging method or PRINT statements if it doesn't run or gives an incorrect performance. 

Practice before you know you don't need practice anymore.

7. Compete in a competition for Programming 

Once you practice your simple data structures and algorithms, you'll have the Adrenaline rush to use them in any real environment. It is your crush on programming and pursues it before you get done with it. 

Compete in Hacker Level, Hacker Planet, Code Forces, and so on and apply your newly learned data structures and algorithm to solve the tricky issues. Seek to solve the problems of the previous rivalry, too. However this is just for fun, remember. 

Do not grow an addiction to it because it will be very different and complex to the real-life problem you face in the tech area. Similar to your programming competition problems, you won't be able to solve them using a particular trick.

Best of luck with your programming and if you are able to find some value in it, please share it with your friends.



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