Trending Technologies Update

  Top 10 Trending Technologies To Master In 2020 

    1.Artificial Intelligence
    3.Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
    4.Cloud Computing
    5.Angular and React 
    7.Internet of Things (IoT)
    8.Intelligent Apps (I – Apps)
    9.Big Data
    10.RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

  Links For All Tutorials:


These top 10 technology courses are becoming very popular and are sure to help you make a great career in the future.

 The relationship between business and technology is continually evolving. Organizations face new challenges while new technology works overtime to support business objectives. The right technology can lead businesses to a higher level of performance and achievement. As a result, certain coming fields are growing very quickly and can prove to be great career fields if one chooses to take courses in the same way. 

In technology, the outlook is exciting and some unexpected trends are emerging as old-timers merge with each other to enhance the overall impact. We expect exponential changes in every area of technology this year. 

Machine learning and artificial intelligence will alter the majority of industries, Making room for virtual helpers and a variety of automation situations. We see an immense opportunity for smart homes and smart cities through the introduction of the Internet of Things ( IoT).

These 10 technology fields will rise high in 2020 and will prove to be great career paths:

1. Artificial Intelligence

  •   Artificial Intelligence is one of the top fields of research that is rising rapidly in popularity and demand. 

  • Okay, everyone knows a little about Artificial Intelligence. As science fiction begins to become a reality, AI goods slowly invade our homes and workplaces. 

  • Introduced by John McCarthy in 1952, the concept behind AI is to imitate a human brain and construct a computer that has the ability to think, evaluate and make decisions of its own. 

  • While we may think that AI is at least a few years away from having any major effect on our lives, the truth remains that it already has a massive impact on us.

  • If you're using a smartphone now, you 're communicating with AI, whether you know it or not. Including the obvious AI apps, such as the built-in digital assistants to the portrait mode in the camera, AI has an effect on our lives every day. 

  • One of the largest users of artificial intelligence is the online advertising industry, which uses AI not only to monitor user statistics but also to serve us ads based on those statistics. Artificial intelligence influences our choices and lifestyles every day.

2. DevOps

  • This is a software development approach that bridges the gap between Dev and Ops for the smooth delivery of applications. It was introduced because the current model had limitations. 

  • Limited updates need to be published more regularly and this is not possible without DevOps. 

  • To understand the different DevOps tools, one needs to study the scripting language, the infrastructure code, etc.

3. Cybersecurity

  • With rising cyber threats, cybersecurity is now a much-needed career field. 

  • Bearing in mind the latest infringements of privacy committed in the technology industry, the Global Data Protection Regulations have been revised. 

  • This, in effect, has resulted in a rise in demand for information security professionals who can cope with the changes and keep an organization free of any kind of enforcement issues. 

  • Irrespective of recent events, cybersecurity is an evergreen field, and employees are always on their toes so that they can keep up-to-date on the latest creative attacks that are being formulated every day, so that any kind of security compromise can be mitigated.

4. Augmented Analytics

  • While some may call it augmented analytics, others may call it Smart Data Discover, but at its core, it involves the integration of BI and AI to automate data-finding processes, prepare for analysis, and generate insight. 

  • It identifies trends and explains what they practically mean for business through clear visualizations and neatly packaged trends. 

  • The goal here is not to substitute, but to help, the decision-making mechanism. One characteristic of enhanced analytics that sets it apart from other technology is its ability to produce natural language that unpacks complex jargon and offers clear insights. Users can also go beyond opinion to obtain insights and act on data quickly and accurately.

5. 5G Network

  • With a lot of excitement to be rolled out around the world in the coming years, the 5 G network is the latest in cellular technology. 

  • It will be the next wave of mobile Internet access, a blend of cutting-edge network technology and science. 

  • They offer faster speeds and more reliable connections to smartphones and other devices. These networks will give the Internet of Things a good start and will have an average download speed of 20GBps per second.

6. Autonomous Things

  • Nowadays, intelligent actions can be repeated, and even non-living can be equipped with self-sustaining features. 

  • Autonomous Things take the development of Machine Learning a step further, based on AI and IOT, to allow complex decision-making to take place independently in devices and objects. It can enhance any object in our surroundings to think and respond on its own. 

  • This technology will be commercially relevant in 2020 and intends to make self-driven vehicles, drones and robots a common reality by 2020.

7. Digital Twins


  • While the idea of a digital twin has been in force since 2002, it is now due to the Internet of Things that it has become cost-effective to implement. A digital twin is an interactive multiphysics, melodious, probabilistic simulation of a built-in vehicle or device that uses the best available physical models, sensor updates, fleet history, etc. to represent the life of its corresponding flying twin. 

  • For example, how do you run, manage, or fix structures when you're not in physical proximity to them? This was a problem this NASA's science team had to face while designing devices that would fly beyond the ability to physically see or track. This pairing of the physical and virtual worlds allows analysis of data and monitoring of systems to head off problems even before they occur and plan using simulations.

8. Edge Computing

  • Today, billions of devices are generating data at an unprecedented rate, testing the limits of existing data centers and networks. 

  • To overcome this problem, companies are taking pressure off their centralized data center through cutting-edge computing solutions. Edge computing essentially extends the boundary of software, data and resources from centralized nodes to the edge of a network. 

  • Through moving data centres to the edge of the network closer to customers, it speeds up the collection, processing and analysis of data in the area until it is sent back to the centralized data centre. This effectively promotes better performance, quicker response time, and greater creativity.

9. Quantum Computing

  • There are computers in modern avatars that promise an exponential increase of processing capacity, capable of solving problems that our computer can't solve today. Over 50 years of progress in mathematics, material science, and computer science have turned quantum computing from theory to reality. 

  • Tech companies like IBM and Google and start-ups like Righetti Computing are in the technological race to create the first universal quantum computer. Quantum computers can easily analyze vast volumes of data and spot patterns, tackle transport and business optimization issues, advance climate modeling, and one day improve artificial intelligence work. Quantum computers are still in the experimental stage, but their raw potential is sure to cause a paradigm shift in computing physics and potentially our understanding of the world today

10. Immersive Experience

  •  Immersive experience essentially integrates augmented reality and virtual reality. For example, what if we can create digital worlds that make it difficult for human beings to experience? 

  • With a combination of data analysis, artificial intelligence, and imagination, virtual and augmented reality provides the ability to practice and plan in a secure environment with no repercussions. From military simulations to medical management scenarios, this technology better prepares the team for mission success. 

  • In order to create a genuinely immersive experience, viewers are ready for the sensory diversity that we will find in the real world around us-not just visually-but in the care and attention of sound, scale, and the imaginary world. Equip yourself with Edureka 's live, online technology courses that give you the versatility to learn at your own speed, so that you can work as well as develop your skills at the same time. Take a career leap or qualify for the dream job you've always wanted to do in 2020.


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