Google says some links to the guest post are unnatural

Google says some links to the guest post is unnatural


Google says some links to the guest post is unnatural

Google says there are some unusual ties to the guest post-Google's John Mueller spoke to the guest post about SEMRush's outreach program.

Mueller said this could result in improper liaisons.

Google's John Mueller responded to a tweet about the reception for the guest post. He tended to claim charging a company would lead to unnatural ties for guest posts.

Outreach Guest Post 

If a web publisher wants to publish an article that someone else has written, guest posting for links is. The article usually contains a link to the website which contributes to the article.

Mueller 's comments were in response to a tweet to access links to the guest article about the new SEMRush service. What makes this tweet worthy of notice is that SEMRush does not pretend to buy ties from the publishers publishing the posts. SEMRush says they simply ask sites if they want the posts to be written.

This how SEMRush explains it:
SEMRush says it's going to do the outreach and identify a site ready to publish a guest post.
The contents are also written through SEMRush.
According to that case, SEMRush doesn't pay the publisher for a link on its website. They simply identify a publisher, including the link, that is ready to publish the post.
The SEMRush client is not paying the publisher for the link. The customer pays SEMRush for the service of identifying a publisher willing to host the article that includes the link.
What’s a Wrong Link? 

Julie Joyce(@LinkFishMedia), owner of LinkFish Media, is an expert in building links.
So, I told her about Mueller 's comment about unnatural ties.

This is a beautiful sight. Even all abnormal links are payable for automatically.

The term Unnatural s encompasses a wide variety of circumstances.

What unnatural connections have in common is typically the aim of influencing search engines. This is widely seen in the anchor text selection used for the links as well as the location of the link inside the post. Another common aspect of an abnormal interconnection is the unearned price.

Know Anomalous Bonds
If Google actually sees such links as unnatural then John Mueller 's tweet has just saved a lot of businesses the heartbreak of getting a hand penalty.

Manual penalties associated with linking can take considerable effort to have been eliminated.
Often, the punishment that needs to be removed is not only triggered by the set of links.

Once a manual action for links has been taken, any legacy links which are suspicious must also go.
In general, filing a disavow  is not always enough, and calling it a solved question.

It's not unusual for Google to need more work to actually delete those bad connections. Unnatural links include a broad variety of link building tactics. It is best to maintain an open mind as to whether certain connections might not be so good.


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